Monday, July 7, 2008

Xbox 360 Vs PS3 - A Dilemma Many Face

Although the Xbox 360 hit the shelves well over a year before the PS3, there is now only about 100/$200 between the two systems. Many people have waited a year or so for both systems to have come down in price and for them to become established before making a relatively expensive purchase. The big question is, if you are only going for one of the two systems, which one should you go for?

Well, bear in mind that it is very hard to give an unbiased opinion as it will be based on personal experience and you will get different answers from everybody. However, as I was in exactly the same position only a few months ago, I can give you my opinion and why I chose the system I did. This is not to say that one is necessarily better than the other.

In the past I owned a Playstation, when this systems first came out then it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen and couldn't see how it could get any better, well that was until the PS2 came out of course. Towards the end of the PS2s life, the Xbox came out, I resisted this as long as possible as I was afraid it was another market that Microsoft was going to take out and eventually everything in the world would be Microsoft.

Up until this point, the Playstation had a few titles which were exclusive to the systems but now suddenly, you had the Xbox which had Halo and also Elder Scrolls you're your Morrowind (although this originated on the PC). I was so blown away by Morrowind that I bought the system for that one game. Also, Playstation no longer had exclusive rights to the Grand Theft Auto series, although for a while it would appear on the PS about a year before it was released on other systems.

On paper, the spec of the PS3 is much better, not only is it faster and has better graphics, it also contains the next generation of DVD players, the Blu Ray. It was the fact the PS2 had a DVD player which gave it a huge selling point, especially when trying to convince your partner that it was a worthy purchase, and not just for playing games.

However, Microsoft managed to get their next generation system out on the shelves way before Sony, so we have reached a point where the developers are really getting to grips with the system and are producing some truly outstanding games. What really swung it for me (apart from a cheaper price tag) was the fact that Xbox had a huge, thriving online community in the form of Xbox Live where you could play against or with friends online while chatting to them via the headset. The PS3 also has an online community which a built in 3d forum called Home, but this is still in its infant stage. Of course, if you have the money then go for both as they will each contain their unique good points.

Of course, if you are one of the many who need to fix 3 red light error then you can't do any gaming at all. I can show you steps that are free to take to help prevent this and how to fix 3 red light error if you already have it.

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Reverse Cell Phone Directory - How To Find Cell Phone Numbers

If you're looking for the owner of a cell phone number, you have three options. You can:

1. Run your own cell phone number lookup

2. Hire a PI to trace the cell phone

3. Access a reverse cell phone number directory

Each of these strategies has it's own benefits - and it's own drawbacks. Let's take a look at each opportunity 1-by-1.

Option 1: Run Your Own Cell Phone Number Lookup

Most people start their search for a cell phone number by typing the number into Google or a major white pages directory like or

This is a good place to start, but if you're looking for the owner of a cell phone number, it's probably not going to do anything for you.

If this doesn't work, you can do one of two things. You can either choose to move on and pay a few dollars for a premium lookup, or you can continue to search reverse directories for the cell phone number you are looking for.

Or, you can continue to search for the number on your own. This is a free solution... and it's really the ONLY free solution... so if you want to get the information without taking out your credit card.... Follow these steps:

  • Search Google/ / / etc. for the various formats of the number. (555-555-5555, 5555555555, 555/555/5555, 555.555.5555, etc.)
  • Search "complaint" networks like or to see if other people are looking for the number.
  • Search MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, and other social network pages for the number.
  • Search blogs and personal web pages for the cell phone number.
  • Call the number and ask who the owner is.
  • Post a notice on a site like asking who the owner is. If the phone owner ever searches their own number, they'll see the notice.
  • Search opt-in cell phone directories like If the user registered their phone number, it may be included.
Time Required: 3-5 hours.

Cost: Free

Option 2: Hire A PI To Trace The Cell Phone

While searching for a phone number on your own takes a long time, and has a very small chance of success... hiring a PI is fast and you' can usually get the results you need... but you PAY A LOT for it!

Many private investigators charge nearly $100 for a single cell phone number lookup!

Why so expensive?

Well, when you hire a private investigator, you're paying 3 times for the service.

  • You're paying for their time
  • You're paying for the access to the information
  • You're paying for expertise of where to look.
Time Required: 10 Minutes

Cost: $100

Option 3: Access A Reverse Cell Phone Number Directory

In my opinion this is the best option... it's the "just right" fit between option 1 and option 3. There are many new reverse cell phone directories that can provide you with the information you're looking for quickly and eaily... but since you're running the search yourself, you don't have to pay a PI huge fees to run the search.

While these services do charge, the $15-$20 fee is far less than the $100 that a PI may charge... and when you consider all the time that you'd spend running the search alone... this search makes a lot of sense.

If you do choose to pay for access to a reverse cell phone directory, make sure that it comes with a money-back guarantee and provides customer support to customers. This means you won't pay for something that doesn't help you.

Time Required: 20 Minutes

Cost: $15

For more information about accessing a reverse cell phone directory or to run a reverse lookup, visit where Terry Taggert publishes informative information about reverse phone lookups, privacy information, and people search tips.

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